Faith will make you able to please the LORD each day
Hope will help your heart to know that GOD will make a way
Love will be the greatest gift, for love will see you through
In everything you do, I will always pray these gifts for you
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, July 13, 2007

the perfect shoes...

One of the things that I am surprise to find is how fast Caden’s feet grow. Like the shoes above, last December, it was still much too big for him to use. Then around February/March, it fit nicely. Last month, we have to struggle a bit to put his chubby feet into it. Now, it doesn’t fit anymore!!!

Expert say, from ages 1-5 children’s feet grow an average of two sizes a year and the bone structure of the foot will develop within the first 24 months of life. Therefore it is crucial to find the best shoes for them.

Btw, improperly fitted shoes can result in serious health issues down the road. Shoes that are too small can distort the growth and shape of the foot. Shoes that are too big create a loose fit that disrupts balance, making it hard for a child to walk without tripping.

Like Caden, most children have chunky feet. Their feet start out wide and gradually lengthen as the child starts to stand and walk. Their shoes should wide enough to accommodate this. Too much tension can affect the shape of the foot and all toes should be able to lie flat in the toe box.

With the above criteria, it is a challenge for me to find a good shoe that fit perfectly for Caden. I need to find shoes that are flexible and soft because his small feet will change so much in the first two years. Velcro closure is a must to ensure longer fitting (mostly for chubby feet like Caden’s) and flexibility, allowing the shoe to fit snugly onto the foot.

How much and how fast Caden’s foot will grows is unpredictable as children tend to grow in spurts. Because of this, it is important to get their feet measured regularly. To ensure that his feet are growing healthy, I will need to give close attention to his shoes fitting and change the ones that don’t fit anymore to bigger ones -- if I can find the one that fit onto his foot in time!

PS: The size of the shoe is US size 3.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

nice shoes...i have couple of nike shoes for my son but i would prefer this pair also....