Faith will make you able to please the LORD each day
Hope will help your heart to know that GOD will make a way
Love will be the greatest gift, for love will see you through
In everything you do, I will always pray these gifts for you
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, March 30, 2007


I am worried that Caden won't have enough hair to cover his head when he is older. I have thin hair and it's hard for me to do anything with it and I hate it! But Paul told me not to worry too much because Caden is a boy -- hair is not important with boys, he said.

Although everyone has been telling me that it's alright for him not to have much hair now (that it will grow sooner of later), I decided to go to a children saloon to shave his hair for the 2nd time.

So this afternoon, I went to a children salon in Suntec City -- Paul and I don't dare shave him by ourselves. He was crying, I think the razor tickles him and he hated it. Although he cried quite a bit, we managed to shaved every part of his hair...yeyyy..!!! So here it is Caden with new hairstyle at his 1/2 a year birthday!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Immunization @ 6 months

Hiks hiks...I have to go through this again. Caden has to be shot twice on the thigh. But I keep telling myself that this is for his best, so with that in mind, I brought him to the doctor that has an appointment at 11am. 'Suster' (his baby-sitter) and I has been telling him to be strong and not to be scared of the needle since the day before.

But apprently the whole situation was not bad at all, he cries only for a few seconds (just when the needle was inside him) but after that he was fine. I think the doctor in Singapore was much more gentle compare to the one in US. I could still remember the first time Caden got his blood drawn and his first immunization in US, the nurse poke him with no consideration whatsoever and the needle was huge...just like the one they use it on adults. Caden cried so loud and we could not stop him for a few hours after...he cries on and off for about a day...seemed like he could remember how painful it was even a few hours after, well..maybe he could!!!

Update by his 6th months check up:
Weight: 7.5 kg or 16 pounds 5.3oz
Height: 68 cm or 26.77 inch

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

at photo studio

We went for Caden 2nd photo shoot at kiddie pictures in Forum Mall and the photographer running late so I took this pictures with my own camera....not badd... ^_^ I took his pictures with him sitting down to show that Caden is able sit by himself without falling right or left for a few seconds.

PS: and today is Caden's 6 months birthday!!!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

First "HOT" outdoor outing...

Noah and mommy Noah invited us to go to Jurong Birdpark on Tues, March 27. At first I was reluctant to go as I am not sure if Caden is old enough to understand animals that he was going to visit. Plus, the thought of hot outdoor outing made me think again of going but Noah mommy really wanted us to go, anyway, I also wanted to see what was Caden's reaction going to be...was he going to show interestes in birds? will he understand at this young age? So then I decided to go.

The outing started at 10am. There were about 9 mommies and 10 children and lots of strollers that came along. It was extremly hot but fun at the same time. Caden did not show much interest on the animals and for me...the weather was so hott...I rarely ever go out outdoor; most of the time, we just went to a mall. So after 3 hours, Caden and I decided to go home earlier while the others were continue their journey throughout the park.

I don't know for sure when I will be able to bring Caden out for the whole entire day (anywhere, in cool or hot weather). For one, Caden doesn't like to eat when we are outside. I tried give him my breast and he keep looking around and not latching properly and when I tried give him formula in a bottle, he also doesn't want to suck. So it worries me, and if that happen, I just feel that I should go home and feed him as soon as possible. Huh! Maybe I am just a type of mother who worry to much!!! Noah mommy said, "don't worry!! everything will be just fine.."

Monday, March 26, 2007

oh noo...strangers strangerss...

All of us thought Caden didn't mind to be carried by everyone, even people whom he never met before, but being at 6 months now, he changed. He recognize strange faces. So yesterday, grandma invited few of her friends to come over and all of them are excited to see Caden, grandma first and - currently - only grandson. Unfortunately, when the guests were out from our private lift, Caden started crying! In addition to the strange new faces, they made so much noise that Caden were not used to. So in the end, he cried so loud and the guest were just able to see Caden from afar. Sorry grandmas.... I am scared!!!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Solid solid solidd....

Yey....I have been looking forward for this day...for the "best" day to introduce Caden to solid food. I am so exited that I already bought all the different kinds of 'first-foods' for him a long time ago.... His doctor had give me a green light when he was only 5 months old but gave the decision back to me as Caden was still in a good shape (increasing in weight) by drinking only my breast-milk. I decided to wait until after I get back from vacation from Jakarta. So here we are 6 days after and I think today is "the day."

I gave him 2 spoons of "Gerber" rice cereal, mix it up with breast-milk and making sure that the cereal will be perfect for him (not to watery but at the same time not too thick that could choke him).
*Look at the picture* This first time solid eating is not bad at all. Caden seems to enjoy it although I am not sure if he really enjoys the food or the company of his grandparents, aunty Valerie, my maid, his baby-sitter and I who was cheering for him. ^_^

Thursday, March 22, 2007

I love my feet...

==>> Caden has a new hobby, he is currently obsessed with his "handsome" feet. Everytime he sits up, he will hold his feet one by one with his two hands and admire them for quite sometime. ^_^

sitting up

Sitting up requires a good sense of balance, as well as muscle strength and control in the trunk and hips. Caden now is 5 months old and had started to learn how to sit in this past few days. Caden seems to be interested with the learning of sitting up as when he sits in my lap, he holds his head steady for long periods of time and enjoys looking all around. (His vision has improved to the point that she can actually see things across the room fairly clearly). He balances in a sitting position only for a few moments by himself, but when I prop him up with her legs in front, knees bent, to provide a wide base, and brace her arms on her thighs, he could balances much longer. Caden has begun to figure out how to maintain his balance while seated by leaning forward on one or both arms and to make small, unconscious contractions of the muscles in his back, needed to keep his balanced. At first, it takes concentration, but soon, like riding a bicycle, it is second nature. I can't wait to see him sitting all him himself!!!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

with mommy at the balcony...

Today after Caden woke up from his afternoon nap, and we asked suster to take this pictures for us.

PS: Caden was wearing a 6-8 years cap that I bought from Mothercare. It was on sale and I thought he can wear it now, it's just won't look tight. hehe...

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

the Tyra Banks pose...

This is what ii valerie called "the Tyra Banks pose"
Well, she was the photographer and I was amazed that she was able to call out Caden to look at the back of his jumperoo and actually stopped for a few second of the picture... Good Job, ii!!!


Caden start to understand the function of each body part, for example when I place his newly found feet on the floor, he first curl his toes and stroke the carpet or the floor, but soon he'll discover he can use his feet and legs to practice "walking" or just to bounce up and down. Which mean: "Watch out!" Soon he will be crawling and standing.

In preparation to that, Daddy had bought Caden this Jumperoo from Fisher Price at the "Baby Fair" that was located in Takashimaya. I told Paul that this is Caden's present for his 6 months birthday (read: so there will be more presents in months to come) hehehe.... Caden is a very active boy, so with this jumperoo, Caden will be able to play safe jumping in the house while giving us a few minutes break...just a few minutes.. cos' soon he will be bored and want us to play other things with him.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Back to Singapore

Daddy wants us to go back to Singapore today (if possible) as he would be able to play with Caden before returning to work the next day. He misses Caden a lot as the last time that he saw him was almost a week ago. Suster approval letter came 2 days ago (at lasttt!!). The timing was great as oma (Caden's great-grandma) went back home to Jakarta from Singapore the day after, therefore she could bring back the approval letter which the immigration as to sign at time of suster's arrival in Singapore.

I want Paul to be able to play with Caden too, so I agree to go back home this morning --with such a short notice. Short notice is okay if I am travelling alone -- but now, with Caden is a whole different story. He has so much stuff; his toys, his bottles, breastpump, milk, etc etc. Furthermore, I was still have to unpacked the stuff that we brought back from US, so many boxes (more than ten of them), and stacked it nicely in the cupboard. And not to mention, the people who wanted to meet with the 'star' before returning to Singapore. I was so tired and knew that there are still lots of stuff to packed or unpacked but could not disagree with the lunch offer from Ima Nanny.

This morning was bad...slept at around 1 am (came back from Santi' enggagement party at around 10pm and continued unpacking/packing) and woke up at around 4...making sure that everything was in the luggages. Went out from the house at 6.30am with a headache as I did not have enough sleep. Arrived at the airport at 7. 15 am and SHOCKED! It was packed! SUPER PACKED! We have to queue for everything, I wasn't expecting it! Everything take so long, plus with me carrying 'heavy' Caden in the baby bjorn, feeling sleepy and headache just add everything up. Then I realized that tommorow is the first day of school for public school students after a week holiday. I seriously vowed to myself to take note of school holidays and not going anywhere between the school holidays.

In the plane, Caden was not behaving really well. He screamed when I put his seat belt on and wanted us to carry him continuosly. I wanted to sit because in the plane, everyone is sitting, so when you are the only one who was standing, every eyes will look but well, what can I do? Caden screamed when I sat down! I think he is getting naughtier!

Friday, March 2, 2007

Baby fair...

Astrid and I went out together to see the somewhat called "biggest baby fair this year" in Suntec City Convention Hall. I thought it would be a great event for me to see lots of baby stuff or get more information about infant schools in Singapore. Looking forward for this a lot but quite dissapointed when I actually saw it.

They have almost nothing good for Caden. The toys are either the same price or cheap but doesn't look nice. In the end I bought a hat (which I regret it) and bought an infant pillow that has a whole in the middle for Caden's round shape head. This pillow turn out to be pretty good and is $2 cheaper than the regular price *dughh???*. And that's all I get! I thought I will get lots of stuff and lots of info about anything...but well!!

Today I think the first time Caden went out for almost 4 hours straight. He even slept on my chest in the baby bjorn...only for half an hour though but it was not bad considering him never slept if it's not in his room! I was thinking of going back home when he cried on his car seat stroller but quickly fell asleep when I carried him. As usual, he did not ask for milk at all. This is what that prevent me from going out too often...Caden doesn't seem hungry when we took him out. I am just afraid that is not healthy for him. But well, I think it's okay to do it once in a while.