Faith will make you able to please the LORD each day
Hope will help your heart to know that GOD will make a way
Love will be the greatest gift, for love will see you through
In everything you do, I will always pray these gifts for you
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

First "HOT" outdoor outing...

Noah and mommy Noah invited us to go to Jurong Birdpark on Tues, March 27. At first I was reluctant to go as I am not sure if Caden is old enough to understand animals that he was going to visit. Plus, the thought of hot outdoor outing made me think again of going but Noah mommy really wanted us to go, anyway, I also wanted to see what was Caden's reaction going to be...was he going to show interestes in birds? will he understand at this young age? So then I decided to go.

The outing started at 10am. There were about 9 mommies and 10 children and lots of strollers that came along. It was extremly hot but fun at the same time. Caden did not show much interest on the animals and for me...the weather was so hott...I rarely ever go out outdoor; most of the time, we just went to a mall. So after 3 hours, Caden and I decided to go home earlier while the others were continue their journey throughout the park.

I don't know for sure when I will be able to bring Caden out for the whole entire day (anywhere, in cool or hot weather). For one, Caden doesn't like to eat when we are outside. I tried give him my breast and he keep looking around and not latching properly and when I tried give him formula in a bottle, he also doesn't want to suck. So it worries me, and if that happen, I just feel that I should go home and feed him as soon as possible. Huh! Maybe I am just a type of mother who worry to much!!! Noah mommy said, "don't worry!! everything will be just fine.."

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