Faith will make you able to please the LORD each day
Hope will help your heart to know that GOD will make a way
Love will be the greatest gift, for love will see you through
In everything you do, I will always pray these gifts for you
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, December 31, 2007

Jogya - Day 3 - very Interesting day...

Staying at this kind of resort where they make us feel like leaving in a village/country-side has a good side (well, only for those of you who likes animals).

We could see up close and personal with grasshopper, cockroach, frog, ants, birds, butterflies, flies, lizards, etc in our own backyard. We could even hear their sounds at night. Oma said this feels like a Zoo!!! ^_^

Caden had a very interesting day today. Opa caught him a grasshopper and a frog and put them in a glass for a few hours and Caden could see them more clearly at a shorter distance.

Here is where Ii Valerie was trying to give Caden a massage after a very hot humid day! (but failed!!).

And Caden was so obsessed with the umbrellas! He would play with it everyday and would asked us to use it while carrying him at the same time (urgghh...he is heavy!), even when it's not raining.

This was another interesting encountered to stay here! We got to ride an elephant (a big one, virgin female, 30 years of age) and got to see the view of the Candi Borobudur (Borobudur Temple) from afar.

What a beautiful view indeed...

By the way, riding an elephant is quite a scary experience. It moves so much that we felt that we could fall anytime, and they eat A LOT! They have to go in twos or they won't move and they also have to eat as they go along or else they will stop moving.

They moved very slow, especially since they have to eat every 10 steps or so. It took us almost half an hour to get to a place that can be reached by a car in 5 minutes. And it was SOOO HOTT!!!

Poor Caden...

Although last day was a very interesting day, it was also a very annoying day for Caden!
For the past 3 days, insects was able to leave him alone, but on this last day, they couldn't resist of going near Caden. Despite the many mosquito patches that I put on him, EVERY insects seems to fly around him and stung him in the end. He got about 10 mosquito bites all over his face and head (the bald part) and...
he also received the big present from AmanJiwo....some insect stung him on his left ears. In the end, his ears was swollen and the color changed to dark pink, it also felt very warm, and sooo hugeeee...
Poor Caden....
I am glad that between that super itchiness on his left ear, he could still have a great time playing and laughing....although he scratch his ears quite often...
It was difficult for him to drift to sleep by himself on the bed....his ear felt so itchy... It took much longer time than usual. But after he was asleep, he forgot all about it and slept till the next morning.
PS: This is the not so good part of going to a country side.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Jogya - Day 2 -

Took an hour Andong ride this morning! After 15 minutes, Caden was asleep! The morning breeze was so nice (and it was his nap time, too). So he was asleep for 50 minutes before he woke up because we were on our 2nd stop at a rice noodle factory.

By the way, ALL white rice noodle is always using bleach to make it white. The oroginal color is light brown. Looking at the way they make it, it made us thinking of not to eat rice noodle again.

At the park near the public pool after he woke up for his 2nd nap.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Jogya - Day 1 -

Went to the airport at 7.30am. Checked-in at 8.15am. Supposed to take-off at 9.35am but delayed until 10.40am (it's not unusual for Garuda Airlines to delay their flight most of the time). He slept his 1st nap for 45minutes under my arm in Baby-Bjorn.

Arrived at Jogyakarta Airport -- a small but pretty clean airport (I think cleaner than the one in Bali). It was sooo hoootttt.....!!! I almost couldn't stand the heat! Caden was keeping quiet in the Baby-Bjorn. He still confused of where he was as everything seemed strange to him.

Took us about 1 hour drive from the airport to AmanJiwo Resort - a branch of AmanDari and AmanKila that we went to in October.

So far so good for Caden. Once we arrived in our suites, he quickly exploring the dining and pool area. He was happy playing with everything that he could find interesting.

He slept well today -- though he refused to sleep with suster at night. He meal times were not too bad today -- It has been quite difficult to give him food for the past week, I think it's another time of that difficult eating again! The would pointed at something on the table (as if he wanted something on it), but will not take them when we offer it to him -- everything seemed not right.

Weird is, when he enggaged to something that interest him, he would open his mouth wide and we would be able to sneak a few spoonfull of food into his mouth, but this usually only last for a few seconds before he demanded a new toy.

I don't mind he is eating that well cos he seemed to drink milk pretty well. I just made sure that I give him children multivitamin everyday.

I do hope all for the best for Caden in this trip -- that he will eat and sleep well and nothing bad (such as sickness) will he experienced.

Jogya, here we come...

We are going to Jogya in a few hours time!! And I definately need sleep! Will post more when we come back on New Year's Day!

Friday, December 28, 2007

@ 15 months

-> Scream A LOT!!! (with a high pitch sound)
-> 11 kg
-> 7 teeth (3 are just emerged)
-> Understand A LOT of words that adults say to him
-> Not much hair yet (though it does grows a little more than before)
-> Can not stand still even for a moment (unless he sleeps ^_^)
-> Has his own strong will of what he wants
-> STILL eat soft porridge like a 10 months old baby!
-> Only like Avocado and Banana as fruits so far
-> VERY clingy to me than before
-> Not into talking yet but do A LOT of sign languages
-> Nap two times at 9am and 2pm
-> Sleeps about 13-14 hours per day
-> Meal times is a hassle again for us
-> Love soups (any kind but just the watery part)
-> Drink formula at about 600-700ml per day
-> Sleeps at 8pm and wakes up at at 6.30am

Thursday, December 27, 2007

enjoying this trip...

I am very happy in this trip! Caden was adapting very well in the change. He even slept and played well at Popo's and Kung Kung's house, which is another new place that we stayed for 3 days last weekend, after behaving very well in oma's and opa's house for 2 weeks.

Although suster went back home for 10 days, I was just happy to see him happy! He loves to go up and down the stairs (which we don't have in Singapore), loves to play in the garden with Kongco (Caden's great-grandpa) and play golf with him (only with the balls and the hole actually). Well, he just seems to enjoy living in a landed house at last!

We don't do much here as what we did in Singapore. But I tried as much as possible to make his day interesting.

I do really hope Caden would be as easy this at our vacation to Jogyakarta, a city in central Java, in 2 days time.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Have a blessed Christmas to everyone...

up close and personal with a bird

We went to church this morning (at 7 AM!!!). Caden was bored cos' the Catholic Church that we were attending did not have a Sunday School service. He was walking here and there all the time and suddenly saw an old lady was selling birds in a small cage.

He was curious as to see the moving small tiny birds inside the cages. Quickly, he pointed to the birds again and again and make MORE sign language gestures a couple of times which translate that he wanted the bird. Then I asked him if he wanted it, and he give the YES gestures.

So I bought him one! I thought it would be a good idea to teach him that the small tiny animal is called a bird.

But, Daddy was freaking out as he said that the bird could be contaminated with bird flu. He wanted me to return the bird right away. Then I told him that we are going to let go of the bird when we get home.

Caden was so happy! He would walk here and there with the bird on his hand and occasionally pointing at it as if to show suster or other people there that he had a bird! But poor birdy! Caden was too young to understand how to be gentle to the animal. The cage fell a couple of times from his hand and he was constantly shaking it too hard, too.

The bird never chirp on his hand! Sorry birdy!

On the way home, I told him that the bird is very sad to live in that extremly small cage and he would loved to be back home to his family. Therefore, we should let him go once we arrived at home.

I am not sure if he understand all of that yet, but I think it's good to teach him a few moral values from young.

PS: the picture above was taken right before we let go of the bird.

Monday, December 24, 2007

I am now truely an Indonesian!

He was born in Austin, Texas and currently live in Singapore, but both parents are Indonesian. So what makes him???

Well, he can call himself a truely Indonesian as of today!

He likes noddles, especially Indomie (Most favorite Indonesian Instant Noodle) and Bakmi Gajah Mada (Most well-known noddle house in Indonesia). Caden even like the famous fried-wanton from Bakmi Gajah Mada.

The noodles genes is in him indeed! ^_^

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Tom and Jerry Live Show

I thought I will not find any live shows, just like the ones we watched in Singapore. But I found one in Pondok Indah Mall ONLY. Kung Kung (Paul's dad) were able to get us a complimentary tickets so that we are able to sit in the VIP chairs, rather than squeezing outside the stage area.

I wasn't expecting much, but the show was not bad at all! It was even much better than the Barney shows that we watched at Marina Square.

Sitting so close by to the stage was a wonderful experience. Caden was able to see the performance clearly and as usual, he eyes were locked into the performance.

We even get the complementary tickets for the meet and greet session! Not bad!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Horsey ride...

This is one of the thing that we seldom can do in Singapore, and it's so cheap! For about 10 minutes ride, it cost us only less than S$1. And the best thing of all, it's only about less than 5 minutes drive from home.

Caden loved it!

I can teach him the sign language of Horse with the real Horse in front of him. It would make it easier for him to understand.

Btw, about sign language. He can understand a lot more now; Yes, No, Eat, Milk, Dog, More, All done, and Sleep.

At almost 15 months, he is not able to speak much yet and with this sign language, we would know more what he really wants, therefore, less tantrum and crying for him.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The SAD story of my hair....

at Salon

We were there to pick up oma and ii Valerie. Caden had his first experience at a salon! hehe...

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

at Senayan City

Senayan City has changed so much! I wasn't thought that we would go this far from home, but nai nai (Caden's great grandma) asked me to take her to Senayan City so that she could do some Christmas shopping.

So here we were! This mall is now filled with expensive and branded stores and they have a lego fair for the month of December (they said it's the biggest one in Asia or something....

Caden had fun there. There is no school or activites that we usually did in Singapore, so, I like to bring Caden to an interesting place like this.

He loves so see moving trains that go round and round on their rails; his eyes would follow the trains everywhere. In a couple of months, I will open his Thomas Train sets that was given for him for his birthday presents. For now, he would only can enjoy it from afar -- I don't think he is ready for his own set yet, he would mess it up rather than play with it.

Monday, December 17, 2007

clapping while sleeping

ok I think those clapping action is going to far.... Caden even clapped and smiled in his SLEEP last night! ckckck.....*shaking head*

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Happy 1st Birthday, Gaby...

Apparently, a friend of mine from college has a daughter that has the same birthday as mine!

And we were fortunate enough to be invited to her party today at Mulia Hotel, Senayan!

Ok, as you can see from the picture, Caden wasn't really enjoying himself there. He looked a bit confused (maybe because the loud sound from the clown performing) and wanted me to carry him everywhere.

Maybe it's also because his usual nanny went back to her village yesterday for 10 days. In the mean time, we have her sister to replace her, but despite the similar look that they both has, Caden still doesn't want anything to do with her!!!

So I have to do everything that suster did; bathe him, feed him, change his diaper, and put him to sleep. Luckily, he doesn't mind to play with the new nanny for a while -- after sometime he will look for me again!

That meansss....for the next 10 days, I will have someone to follow me everywhere I go....literally EVERYWHERE.

[This morning, he cried in front of my bathroom door from the moment I closed it until I was done bathing!! Made me so nervous! I was almost forgot to wash my face and I opened the door only with a towel covering my body!!!!]

with kung kung

It's been a while since Caden meet his Kung Kung and Popo. But Caden may still remember his favorite Kung Kung. When we arrived at their house this morning, at first, he was hiding himself behind my legs but after a few minutes of warming-up, he was enjoying playing with his grandparents.
And soon, he demanded to be carried by Kung Kung EVERYWHERE! We were having lunch at Duck King in Pondok Indah Mall and Caden was specifically asked for Kung Kung ONLY to carry him throughout the journey.
Unfortunately, Caden is very heavy now. Kung Kung said, he may not need to go to the Gym when Caden is around.
[I always wonder, what is it in Kung Kung that attracts him so much. Since the first time they met, Caden seemed to like this person very much. Maybe because there is something similar in him with daddy?]

Friday, December 14, 2007

Happy Birthday to Mommy....

Thanks to Ima Nanny who has brought the birthday cake -- filled with Avocado's cream....hmm...yummy but so fattyy!!

Thanks to ii Ani, too, who has come by despite of her busy schedule.

hiks hiks...no daddy!!! He is still in Dubai until next week! It's okay... we'll just wait for the presentsss.... you knoww...the huge one for mommy and Caden.... ^_^

den den and do do moment...

Ii Ani was here for the day and she brought dodo (her faithful companion) with her, too. Caden has the first close-up look with the dog. He loves it so much that he cried when I told him to nap and would look for dodo again right after he woke up!

Too bad that dodo didn't like Caden as much as Caden like him. Maybe because Caden is a boy and has body size almost the same size as him (read: he may be jealous of Caden).

Such a coincidence that their names are very similar...dodo and denden....


PS: Thank ii for taking the time to bathe dodo yesterday.... ^_^

Thursday, December 13, 2007


Idul Adha is around the corner, many people are selling goats and cows, for the Muslims to sacrifice them, not too far from our house.

This afternoon after Caden woke up from his nap, I took him there.

He knows cows by a different name, "mooo...."

So when we asked him, "Where is the moo, Caden?"

And he would answer, "eh...eh.." and pointing to the moo....in front of him.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

applause for me!

Caden is into clapping his hand for him-self for the past few days. I think it's because we are meeting relatives that like to clap for Caden for everything; for being able to take a toy from the table and give it to someone, for being able to go down from the bed (leg first) without falling, for being able to finish his food, for being able to climb up the stairs, etc.

With those constant applaud for him, he is now understand the meaning of it (kind of).

After EVERY task that he did, he will clap for himself and look at me to clap for him, too. If he didn't see me clap, he will come nearer to me and sometimes touch parts of my body and make an 'eh eh' sounds to make me realized that I have to clap with him.... ^()^

He would clap for even things that he is not supposed to clap. Well, he is too young to understand. So now, I just need to tell him firmly when he is clapping at the wrong place (for example, when he clapped after he put his plastic table upside down) and hope soon, he will understand which one is good and deserves clapping and which one is not!

PS: In the picture, Caden was able to take out the middle parts of the number eight and put it in again in the correct place. So I gave him a clap afterwards!

a car for Caden

I has been thinking to buy one of this car for Caden for quite sometime but I was not sure if he is going to like it. Anyway, he still have lots of other toys at home to play with.

But we are in Jakarta now, with limited stocks of toys.

I brought Caden to Sports Mall at Kelapa Gading to check out Tumble Tots, a gym class for young children, but apparently the closed, at 4PM!! hm....I wonder if there is even any class going on now?

Well, in that very quiet mall, filled with lots of empty stores, there was a small playground. We have to pay Rp. 9,000 (about S$1.50) per entry for half an hour. I was not thinking of allowing Caden to play as I am not sure if the place was clean enough, but when he saw the pool of balls, he quickly pointed into it and make an "eh eh" sounds again and again to show that he wanted to go in.

So I let him play... for 5 minutes.


And I don't let him play inside the pool of balls as I heard bad stories about it. (There could be some other kids vomit or food or drink that fall into it).

But I let him play with the car and he seemed like it.

and since we don't have much toys here, I decided to buy one for him.

He loves it, I think! But he is still not able to make the car moves forward. Yeah, he could only make it moves backwards so far. hehe...

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


@ om Fofo's surprise birthday party + housewarming party

Monday, December 10, 2007

grocery shopping...

We opened the fridge last night andd…as usual, I found nothing in it! The fridge is clean!! That means, we desperately need to do some grocery shopping ASAP! So today, we went to Carefour nearby and bought lots and lots of stuffs.

After that we went to Kelapa Gading Mall food court to have lunch. Mommy ate her favorite ‘Sop Kambing’ (goat soup)…*it’s so goodd…* and Caden ate his usual porridge. hehe... "Wait Caden, when you are older, mommy let you try a little bit of it!!"

first morning in Jakarta...

Us playing peek-a-boo
"Where is mommy, suster???" , asked Caden

We arrived here last night! Caden adopted very well with the sudden change in everything! Suster and I tried our best to make him as comfortable and less confused as possible!

I am very happy with his reaction on this first day of our long holiday trip here in Jakarta. I do hope our past experience with our Bali trip won't happen here at all! *finger crossed*

Sunday, December 9, 2007

all is GONEE!!!!

Here we were inside the plane, just before we land in Soekarno-Hatta Airport! This photo was taken right after he reformatted my PDA phone!

Yup! Caden was bored and almost started to scream, so I was entertaining him as much as possible. Knowing he likes my PDA phone, I gave it to him as usual to play with.

Within seconds, I saw a weird message on the screen. I quickly grabbed the phone back to see what’s going on.

There was a message, “Please wait while your phone is reformatting.” OH GOSH!! I took out the battery, hopping to stop the reformatting process.

I turned it on again after a few minutes andddddd….I was too latee!!! I lost all my data, including all my families and friends contacts. I was almost fainted! Especially after I remembered that it was last February since I synchronized it!

I couldn’t be angry with Caden cos’ I know he did it not on purpose! Oh well!! I just wish he knew what trouble he has cause mommy with!!!!

PS: People with small young kids, you better back up your files as often as possible!!

at Changi Airport

We went early to the airport so we could do some shopping and took some pictures!!!

So then, we did some shopping at Charles & Keith. Mom bought a pair of sandal and Caden was deciding which sun-glasses is better for him.

"So which one do you think is suits me better on my bald, round shape head???? brown or black?? brown or black???" *confused* ^_^

karina's bday party

We were supposed to go home on a 10am flight but we were invited to a friend's birthday party at the club house at our Condo. So, mom shifted the flight to a 3.30pm one to attend the very special birthday girl named Karina.
Happy birthday again, cici Karina!!!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Caden and Daddy moment...

These are my two most important person in the world! So nice to see them play together, although soon Daddy would give-up because Caden is always contantly moving here and there!

They look very much alike, especially with that matching white shirt that they are wearing today!
Believe it or not, they even blink at the same time....hehe..

very early birthday party...

Ii Valerie was having a very-early-birthday-party at The Line Restaurant in Shangri-La Hotel. Her birthday is actually on the 18th of December (she is going to be 17 years old this year), but she is going back to Jakarta soon, so she invited 17 of her friends for a birthday party lunch TODAY!!! 10 days earlier!

Anyway, the food was good! I think we all gained weight after the lunch!

Caden also enjoyed his time by trying different food (although most of them he refused to try) and looking at the squirrel at the pool side area.

He said "eehh…eehh…." and pointing at the squirrel all the time. He was trying to tell me, “mommy…look at the squirrel, look at the SQUIRREL! There...there...do you see it???"

He was soooo excited that he refused to go inside even when the rain started to fall.

PS: The squirrel is actually wild!

Friday, December 7, 2007

at the Vil'age

We had lunch at the Vila’ge (used to be Marche) today. I just found out that they are going to close down very soon; their last day will be December 31st ‘07!

Marche used to be mommy’s favorite place to hang-out and then later became mommy's first ever place to work as a waitress. It was a fun job, one of mommy’s best experiences ever. Mommy feels sad that they are going to close down soon. They said since they change the name of the restaurant last year, business has been no good (though they said everything stay the same!)

Yes indeed all the appearance of the restaurant doesn’t change much. The food is also pretty much the same. After 6 years, amazingly, some of the waiters and waitresses are still recognize me! They said I look different, especially with my long hair which used to be so short! ^_^

Nice to have a bit of chit chat with them! Sad that there won’t be anymore time to come by here and remember the good old days!

PS: All the very best for mommy’s friends who have to look for a new job!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Musical Shows

Here are the pictures from the shows that we went to! Most of them we went alone, but at Noddy show, we went with mommy Erly and baby Ainsley and of course with lots of friends yesterday.

It was fun watching those shows! I am glad that they have these shows here in Singapore. I surely hope they will have them again next year.

Caden enjoyed himself on my arm. I carried him throughout the shows because he is still too short to stand, especially with taller children in front of him. I always try to find the best spot for caden; at the middle but all the way back (so I can carry him without blocking other people), except at the Noddy and Looney Tunes shows

As I mentioned earlier, Caden would just stared at the performers. He was so focus that he would ignore us if we call him! (I wanted to have pictures with him with the shows going on at the back of us, but it would never happen!) Hehe…

And I laugh when I saw his head moving to the right and left when there are people blocking his sight… haha... I remember the feeling when something or someone blocked my vision when I really want to see it….ggrrrr…so annoying, right? Well, I would just try to lift him up as high as I could or if possible, talked to the person to sit down.

At the end of every show, my hand indeed sore for a while. I always give suster to carry him afterwards! He is getting heavier and heavier and very soon we would have to let him walk or use the stroller only! I will definately miss carrying him by then! :(

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Looney Tunes Musical Show

I have been bringing Caden to free musical Christmas shows that are going on in most of major malls since last week, but I thought I will post all at the same time, after we are done! But, today was special; we went out with Caden’s friends, too.
There were barely any crowd, so could we could skip the long queue line and we could sit at our own big space. Usually there will be people telling you to sit closer (again and again) to your neighbors to accommodate more people. Soon, it gets so hot and uncomfortable.
We had lunch Crystal Jade Kitchen for $81.23, so we were entitled to have a group photo at the end of the show (minimum of $80 and have to be on the same day receipt). I would not even think about it for the other shows because you will have to queue for a long time to come up to the stage. Furthermore, you have to come much earlier to get the queue number for the photo taking; it runs out very fast!

I planned to take him to all the shows, thinking that they only have them in major malls in Orchard area. Then I found out that they even have shows at Parkway Parade, AMK Hub, Heartland mall (I don’t even know that this mall ever existed) and some other malls outside Orchard Area.

Caden always loves the shows so much that he used to just stare at the characters towards the whole show ==> This what motivates me to bring him to many different shows!

We definitely could not watch everything with the limited time that we have, before going back to Jakarta.

*sigh* I wish I could travel later!!! I don’t even know where I should bring Caden out that he would have as much fun as in Singapore…

PS: It's not that this Looney Tunes show was bad that it wasn't much crowd there. Maybe it's because of the location (in Suntec City Mall, where mostly are offices) and, we were just lucky!! ^_^

Fighting with Flu

Caden has recovered from his flu for quite sometime, but 3 days ago, he has a runny nose again. Thanks to mommy who has been sick since about a week ago! It started with a cough then runny nose and Caden eventually got the germs, too (luckily without the cough).

I am a little stressed out! Our trip to Jakarta is this weekend and if we are sick, it’s gonna get worst when we are there. Not to mention the very polluted air could make it worst by blocking up our nostrils and Caden would be so uncomfortable.

Thinking thinking thinking what should I do to make his flu get better ASAP!

Then, I decided to sleep without AC. Daddy, who is a very experience person in allergy, nose blocking symptoms and flu, always said that, if you experience those three stuffs, who should lowered your AC so that it won’t be too cold for our body.

With this in mind and the very strong wind in our place this December, I decided to try out sleeping without AC by myself. I tried it for 3 days an….it’s true!! At least for me, my nose wasn’t so congested when I was sleeping.

So when Caden started to look like he was having a runny nose (read: almost flu), I told suster that he will sleep in a non-AC room from now on, until he is better!

And… it works for him, too!! Caden looked very gloomy and has a tiny winy bit of temperature cos’ I think the body if fighting with the virus. But by the second day, he was much better and by the third day, the runny nose and sneezing is reduced tremendously! (although mommy still has hers! *sigh*)

I wish Singapore has the weather like this the whole year (but minus the heavy rain, though!), so we could just sleep without AC whenever we want to! I remember one time when our AC broke-down (around March—June area, and OH MY GOSH!!! It’s was impossible to sleep! I almost went to a hotel nearby! ^_^

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Camp Day

After that shocking experience earlier, we went straight to The Little Gym for our very first camp day!

Every time a kid enrolled in a full term class, he get one free camp day at the end of the term. The difference between regular class and camp are, there is a whole lot more of stuffs going on in camp, and the duration is 90 minutes compared to the usual 45 minutes.

Currently we still have 2 camp days that we can use (and can be carried forward) as we were always away on those camp days.

This time we were lucky! They have one early time slot available; the rest are only after we are going back to Jakarta on the 9th.

Camp actually is interesting and different. We have longer play times, a little snack time and art & craft afterwards.

To my surprise, Caden tried Ritz cookie today. Being a never-want-to-try-new-food kind of boy, I didn’t think he would try it, but after sometimes, he grabbed one and put it in his mouth and ate about one-third of it (two-third goes to mommy ^_^).

I think it’s because he saw other kids eating the cookies; especially CaMden, who was sitting in front of CADEN, whom seemed to like the cookie very much.

HE is watching over...

Something miraculous had happened today. Oma, suster, our maid and I were in shocked when we heard a loud ‘bang’ sound from my room.

So here’s the full story.

Caden was playing in my room. As usual, he went straight to the small cupboard next to my bathroom and as usual, too, I let him played with it. He likes to open and close the drawers so many times and occasionally took everything out of it.

As he has done this so many times, I let him play by himself while I was choosing which clothes I should wear for the day.

But this time, he opened all the drawers at the same time. As there is no support at the back of the cupboard, it could not hold such heavy weight that was concentrated in tip of all the drawers [imagine: when you open a drawer, the weight tend to fall slightly towards you].

In the end, the whole cupboard fell forward. Luckily Caden was not in front of it!!! Thanks GOD!!! I know he used to play at the side most of the time, but there were times that he played in front of it, too. Fuihh…. fortunately, today somehow, SOMEONE told him that he HAVE to play by the side!

All of us seriously didn’t know (and I would not even want to imagine about it) what will happen if … just if… he is in front of it.

I just thank HIM a zillion times for watching over my precious little boy twenty-four-seven.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

study vs. tennis

I have been thinking to buy Caden a set of table and chairs for quite sometime, but never seemed to have the time to search for it.

Today, daddy was teaching Caden how to sit on the small chair (that Oma bought for him) and taught him to write something on the writing pad that I have bought for him earlier.

And he was actually sat nicely and quietly there for quite sometime! I am amazed! So I might need to find a small table for him, soon as I think good sitting habit and good table manner are never to young to be introduced!

[Oma said, Caden has already have a good pen gripping skill ^_^]

While mommy is busily thinking of where should we buy a table for Caden, Oma thought that she should buy a tennis racquet for him.

Caden has been spotted playing with Oma’s tennis racquet and balls a few times; bringing it everywhere around the house. And for Oma, someone who is addicted to tennis thought, it was a sign that Caden will follows her footstep towards becoming a professional tennis player!!^_^

[Oma is disappointed that none of her 3 daughters did not have the passion for tennis like her, but there's hope in this little guy]

We actually came down to Toy’s R Us and tried to find a tennis racquet for Caden as Oma insisted that she wanted to buy one for him, but unfortunately they didn’t carry it.

Oma once said, she will enroll Caden into tennis lessons once he is old enough for it. Hehe…