Faith will make you able to please the LORD each day
Hope will help your heart to know that GOD will make a way
Love will be the greatest gift, for love will see you through
In everything you do, I will always pray these gifts for you
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, March 31, 2008

ulcers in the mouth

I was starting to get quite worried. Caden is still not eating but he still is very active. I wonder where he gets his energy from. He would run around the house non-stop after lunch, where he was not eating anything at all.

I used to be not worried of him not eating, because first of all, he is not underweight and he would asked for more (a lot more) milk afterwards – almost double his milk intake.

But this time is different! It’s even difficult to get him finish his regular milk intake. And combine with him not eating, it’s really worried me.

Daddy, who was away for 5 days, was surprised that Caden has lost quite a bit of weight.

So, we went to the doctor today!

And, oh my gosh, the doctor said that he has ulcers in his mouth.

I was looking for ulcers when we were in Jakarta, but we couldn’t find it. Anyway, it was very difficult to make Caden open his mouth wide.

[Caden had bite suster’s fingers 3 times for it]

He had 3 ulcers deep in his mouth, near the throat => that what makes it difficult to see.

Doctor was surprised that he did not have any fever or rashes on his body.

[This is not HFMD, yet!]

He gave a medicine to make it less painful to shallow food. He have to drop it into his mouth before every feeding (even snacks). The doctor also told me to give him cold or room-temperature food only. Too hot, make it even more painful to shallow.

I hope he will recover very soon and his appetite would increase, too. Caden has some catching up to do -- he has lost a bit of weight due to 12 days strict diet!

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