Faith will make you able to please the LORD each day
Hope will help your heart to know that GOD will make a way
Love will be the greatest gift, for love will see you through
In everything you do, I will always pray these gifts for you
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, November 11, 2007

morning celery creambath...

This is how Caden looks every the morning (though I admit we styled his hair a little bit today -- by messing it up a little with my hand ^_^).

Caden usually woke up at around 6-7am, we put him on his potty (on most days he cooperates to pup), give him breakfast which consist of any flavor of baby cereal and any fruit (one banana, or half avocado, or a little mango, or half peach, etc)..

Then we creambath him (for about 30 minutes)-- not to mention the specific shampoo and hair lotion that follow afterwards. We have done this since he was 4 months old and....well, there is actually some improvement but I think it's too minimal, compared to what we have done for his hair...

And now people are starting to give assurance by saying..."Wait until he is 2 years old! The hair will grow..." I just laughed when people told me that, cos' the same people used to say, "Wait until he is 1 year old..." and now he is already more than 13 months old!

I don't know when Caden’s hair will grow, at least to cover up his scalp!

But one thing I know for sure that it will grow eventually. I just found out from my mom that my hair was worst compared to Caden's. So this probably genetic genes from me (though I hoped he got Paul's thick hair).

Well, I think my super thin hair doesn't look that bad considering I almost had no hair when I was born.

So I am waiting for the perfect day for his hair to grow!!!

"Mirror mirror on the wall....when will Caden's hair ever grow??"


Anonymous said...

Love this blog, although I don't leave comments all the time just want to let you know you have regular reader like me =)Hope everything is well for you and Caden!

Claudia Iliadi said...

hi lenn!! i did not know that you are actually reading my blog!! hehe.... thanks, though!

we are fine here! caden is growing very fast! I am sure miss the tiny him soon!

hope you too are doing well with everything down there...

Clara Venny said...

Caden Beckham in action