Faith will make you able to please the LORD each day
Hope will help your heart to know that GOD will make a way
Love will be the greatest gift, for love will see you through
In everything you do, I will always pray these gifts for you
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Off pacifier completely

I have been thinking how to stop Caden with his pacifier for a long time. He seemed so attached to it. But at about 18 months old or so, although he asked for it when he woke up, he could sometimes sleep without his pacifier at all.

I think, one of the reasons is because his doctor once told me that I shouldn’t change his pacifier size. Avent made a few different sizes of pacifier with bigger teats for older kids. Doctor said that when you didn’t change it, they will feel uncomfortable himself to suck the too small teats. Caden has been on the same newborn Avent pacifier all along.

So Suster tried to let him off pacifier once in a while and when she saw that Caden is actually refusing the pacifier a few times, she hide it and tried to make him sleep without it at all. This happen when Mommy was in USA.

So now, a month after, Caden is comfortable enough without his pacifier at all. All thanks to Suster.

I told him to throw away his pacifiers to mark his independence day.

Read here why I decided to give him a pacifier.


Leonny @ Our Everyday Things said...

Congrats Caden! :)

Btw, somehow i think he looks like the daddy a lot in this photo :)

AND, on lots of other pix, he sort of starts looking more like you :)

Anne said...

horay!! good job caden!! :) bryan cuman perlu pacifier pas bobo nih,kadang kalo tengah malam dia kebangun masih nyariin. tp kalo siang2 maen dia gak pernah pake pacifier. eh,lu buang gitu ntar klo dia tiba2 nyari lagi gimana vick?

Claudia Iliadi said...

Thank you thank you!!! I am proud of myself too! hihi...

ne, sejak setaonan Caden gue juga biasain cuman nge-dot kalo mau bobo doang...dot dah gak pernah dibawa kemana mana, even kalo bobo di mall or di mobil, gak perlu pake dot anymore tapi kalo dirumah masih sering nyari...

untung bisa lepas juga akhirnya..gue pernah ngeliat ada anak dah 4 ato 5 taon masih nge-dot..duh jelek amat deh liatnya...di mall lagi!

Claudia Iliadi said...


maybe bener what most people said..kalo tampangnya caden lagi serius, kayak papa nya...

kalo tampang lagi haha hihi, kayak maminya... ^_^