Faith will make you able to please the LORD each day
Hope will help your heart to know that GOD will make a way
Love will be the greatest gift, for love will see you through
In everything you do, I will always pray these gifts for you
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, November 7, 2008

Swimming Lesson?

Should I start him again on a swimming class? Caden used to take classes when he was 6 months old for 2 months. The class became boring after a while and after I know how to handle Caden, I believed I could teach him myself.

But he is much older now. He needs much better training than just from his mom. He is very comfortable near the pool – he can play by himself at the big pool without my present next to him. He can dive and pick a toy at the bottom of the pool (although I still have to push him in and pull him out) and he swim at very short distance by himself.

I wonder if he is still too young for a ‘real’ lesson? My aim is for him to do better with the strokes and the breathing.

He is now in the waitlist at Marsden Swim School. Let see if he get a space for trial and I think I will decide from there.


Unknown said...

agree.. swimming lesson is a must! the younger the better i think. I am looking for a swimming instructor for claire as well. Di jakarta seems to be more difficult to get a good one nih.

Claudia Iliadi said...

agree!!! In Jakarta bingung juga mau cari dimana tuh??? payah yah! Hope you can find and good one soon, though!