Faith will make you able to please the LORD each day
Hope will help your heart to know that GOD will make a way
Love will be the greatest gift, for love will see you through
In everything you do, I will always pray these gifts for you
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Second day

We went for lunch at Bebek Bengil (again!). I tried to give Caden his lunch but he refused to eat. I thought he was not that hungry yet so I let him play with mom while I ate my lunch. Then I carried him in Baby Bjorn and planned to give him his lunch when we are back to the resort. But to my surprise, soon after, he drifted to sleep (he was just woke up from his 1. 5 hours morning nap before we went to the restaurant). I felt something was not right, he never been this way EVER!

Dinner was worst, he refused to eat anything! Not even formula or my breast. He only ate a cup of yogurt for lunch and now he still did not want to eat. I was starting to worry. I wanted to force him but he cried and wail so loud that I thought, maybe he was tired and just want some rest.

Throughout the night he woke up about 6 times and each time he woke up, he would cry hysterically and I don’t know why (how I wished he could talk to me and say what was wrong). I barely get enough sleep. I have to swing him in a sling, everytime he awakened. After the 3rd times waking up, I let him sleep on my chest and I would have to sleep in a sitting down position; hoping this would make him have a more peaceful sleep.

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