Faith will make you able to please the LORD each day
Hope will help your heart to know that GOD will make a way
Love will be the greatest gift, for love will see you through
In everything you do, I will always pray these gifts for you
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, August 7, 2007


not sure how we get this picture but it's pretty unique ^_^
It's actually dinner time gone bad and Caden was screaming so that suster would stop feeding him,
rather carrying him out from his booster seat

Today, I came across this article:
Question: My 10-month-old has a terrible temper. If you try to take something from him or stop him from doing something that might hurt him, he screams until he's red in the face. But when you give in, he's fine. Is there anything I can do to change this?

Answer: Hold him, tell him he'll be okay, and distract him with another activity or object. He'll quickly forget about his complaints.

Babies have an amazing — and often aggravating — ability to make demands. But your baby needs to know that you care about his feelings, even when he expresses them by screaming or flailing his fists. It may look like he's throwing a fit, but he's really seeking reassurance. As long as you stick with your original decision — for instance, that he can't play with the remote control — no one can accuse you of "giving in." You're just giving her what he needs.

“Ok! I know I am wrong!” was the first thought that came to my mind. I know I have not been strict enough with him and if this continues, Caden would grow up to be a spoilt-brat that would cry or scream to get what he wants as he knows that we will give in at some point.

I start to think about this three days ago when I was watching suster feeding Caden (as I wrote in previous article that he is been acting up quite bad at meal times) and he started throwing out things that was put in front of him.

“Caden, please don’t throw things away or I will not give it to you anymore!” suster said.

But after a few seconds of screaming, she gave him back the teether.

Then, I realized that I did that sometimes, too! And I know that it’s not good! I should change and do something about this!

After a few thought, here is what I gather:
1. It has to start from me => I should be more firm and stick to my decision – therefore I should think first before I say it and better don’t say it if I am still not sure if I am going do it!

2.Then I should teach suster and be an example to her.

I don’t think it’s easy for me to do this. Well, of course like any other mom, I would want Caden to be happy so when he wants something, my instinct always tell me to give it to him. But I know if this is continues, he would grow up to be someone who always has to get what he wants and everything has to be in his way. Wow…. For sure, I would not want Caden to grow up that way.

I just hope that GOD would give me more (a whole lot more) wisdom and patience in bringing up Caden.

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